Mk3 VR Six Shooter
As some of you will know, when you own a slammed MK3 VR you have a sump that is lower then a rattle snakes arse. My good friend Dubnut has already gone through one sump, and had a call on a late wednesday night with one pissed of dub head....and you guessed it, he's done another sump. I had a text with a picture of his wagen on the drive with a puddle of oil coming from underneath, the text also came with, "Luke can you fit my new one, i have all the bits", i wasn't going to say no, after all, you know how us dub kids stick together, and after all, i was due a visit to surrey. heres some pictures:
One Demolished VR sump
So after Struggling for around a hour, i got the new one on, it was so low that when we jacked it up, i was still not far off the floor, but in the end we got the job done! and after a long road test we found some awesome "berg Cup" (lol) looking roads to unleash the six on. That was actually the icing on the cake for me and also one happy dubnut to have his VR back on the road terrorising Foes with....
I reckon a bit of JB weld woulda fixed that!